Publishing House
Loppiano hosts one of the Italian publishing houses,Città Nuova.It was born from the same cultural roots of the little city, right on the same Dolomites that generated the dream of Loppiano.
Culture and information, the search for truth, an attentive look at the person, his or her dignity and time.
The panorama of books, magazines, platforms, services and technologies that the Città Nuova Group presents is a tool at the service of the person and society. It deals with a culture linked to the values of dialogue – between people, cultures and religions – and inclusion, oriented towards the promotion of a renewed humanism.
Books and Magazines
Reviews, news, interviews with authors, cultural initiatives.
Città Nuova changes its appearance… and not only that!
The graphics, the signatures, the APP: Città Nuova accompanies its readers through a changing world. The article by director Giulio Meazzini.
Peace in Ukraine: more ethical diplomacy needed
“Possible Peace” is the title of the reflection meeting on war and diplomacy, held at the headquarters of the Giorgio La Pira International Student Center.
Love Conquers All, the Book
Today, January 22, Chiara Lubich would have been 101 years old. We talk about her with Andrea Gagliarducci, author of the book “Chiara Lubich. Love conquers all.
Città Nuova: the December 2020 edition
A journey through the December 2020 issue of Città Nuova, dedicated, on the cover, to the wonder of children, with an invitation to take care of them.
Città Nuova: women and men for a new world
By Aurora Nicosia and Sara Fornaro.
Inquiries, testimonies, reflections on how to build fraternity starting from the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, can be found in the November issue of Città Nuova.
The New Colors of the World
Città Nuova inaugurates the series “The new colors of the world”: illustrated books for children from 5 to 8 years old, stories to build a better world.
Città Nuova changes; change with Città Nuova
A new graphic design and new content to reach a young audience: Città Nuova changes. Let’s discover what’s new with the editor, Aurora Nicosia.
“In Pursuit of the Truth” (In fuga per la verita’)
Talking with Michele Zanzucchi, the author of “In Pursuit of the Truth” (“In fuga per la verità”), the first part of the biography of Pasquale Foresi, co-founder of the Focolare Movement.