The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano
From August 25-30, 2023, the Claritas Spirituality Center will host spiritual exercises dedicated to the theme of prayer.
Thomas, Gen School and the “magic” of Loppiano
Thomas is 25 years old and comes from China. A student of modern music, he spent his last year at the Gen School in Loppiano.
Peace in Ukraine: more ethical diplomacy needed
“Possible Peace” is the title of the reflection meeting on war and diplomacy, held at the headquarters of the Giorgio La Pira International Student Center.
Doctorate, First Communion and the beacon of light that is Maité
Luiz and Renata Scarpino at Loreto School for families. They arrived from Brazil in August 2022 with their three children. Little Maité has been a great gift of light to all the residents.
Castro, the economy, holiness and value of forgiveness.
Castro Chacussanga’s journey to self-discovery.
50th anniversary of Loppiano Prima, celebration and relaunch
“The Cooperative, grafted in the citadel, is an example of love for creation and involvement of many people”
Loppiano Prima Cooperative: Love of Creation, a Prophecy on the Way
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the “Loppiano Prima” cooperative, in Loppiano, a weekend of study dedicated to integral ecology.
Loppiano Prima, 50th anniversary celebration
An event will be held in Loppiano on May 27 and 28 to celebrate that May 19, 1973 when the Cooperative was established. It will be an opportunity to look back on the founding moments, take stock of the journey that has been accomplished, and relaunch the productive and commercial activity.
Bishops On A Journey Together
Seventeen Italian bishops, in Loppiano, to talk about the synodal path. The meeting was sponsored by the “Evangelii Gaudium” Center of the I.U.S.
Progetto giovani: lo sguardo mutato di Fadi
Promoting innovation and fostering young enterprises. Promoted by Ass. Lionello Bonfanti, the ‘Startup Giovanni Bertagna Prize’ is born.
“Common ground | Me, you and us,” Loppiano’s May 1st
May 1st in Loppiano is back, to rediscover the value of caring, acting together for people and the Planet, to bring light into the world.
“We’re stardust”
Astrophysicist Marco Bersanelli, winner of the Renata
Borlone Prize 2023, takes us on a journey to the origins
of the universe and life.