The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
“Challenging Harvest, Exceptional Grape Quality”
The 2023 harvest, with grapes having reached quality ripeness, although production was poor, due to downy mildew.
Karlita, Gen School and commitment to a more united world
The experience of Karlita, a Salvadoran, at Gen 2022-2023 School in Loppiano.
The Lionel Industrial Park and the Challenge of Sustainability
Accomplishments, future challenges and initiatives in progress for the new season beginning at the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park in Loppiano.
Family Format: Keyword “Sharing”
From July 16 to August 6, the Formato Famiglia (Family Format) project welcomed about 35 families: three weeks of sharing.
From the Olympics to Loreto School
Petra, a marathon runner, András and their four children have returned to Budapest after their formative journey in at Loreto School.
Father Jonathan’s nine months
P. Jonathan Cotton, an English Benedictine, has returned to his abbey in Ampleforth, bringing with him his experience in Loppiano.
Sophia University Institute: two scholarships for Italian students
Published a call for applications, aimed at Italian students, for two scholarships for admission to the course in Unity Culture at Sophia.
Care of Creation and Development, Rondinara:”It is not enough to be guardians of nature.”
«We are called to be active in making the environment more beautiful» said Prof. Rondinara at the two-day Loppiano Prima Cooperative.
Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano
From August 25-30, 2023, the Claritas Spirituality Center will host spiritual exercises dedicated to the theme of prayer.
Thomas, Gen School and the “magic” of Loppiano
Thomas is 25 years old and comes from China. A student of modern music, he spent his last year at the Gen School in Loppiano.
Peace in Ukraine: more ethical diplomacy needed
“Possible Peace” is the title of the reflection meeting on war and diplomacy, held at the headquarters of the Giorgio La Pira International Student Center.
Doctorate, First Communion and the beacon of light that is Maité
Luiz and Renata Scarpino at Loreto School for families. They arrived from Brazil in August 2022 with their three children. Little Maité has been a great gift of light to all the residents.