The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
Loppiano Family Experience: A Successful Experiment!
A three week immersion into the life of the Loreto School and Loppiano, attended by 22 families from various parts of the world.
Seminarians and the Charism of Unity: Two Weeks at “Vinea Mea”
In the second half of July, 13 seminarians had a church-communion experience at “Vinea Mea.”
Padre Milton in Loppiano, an “all inclusive” adventure
He was supposed to stay for one year, then for nine months. But due to Covid, he ended up staying for over four years.
The Adventure of Carlos and Paula
From Hegel to Sophia, to the Loreto School, to the citadel.
Mike, a worker of God with a voice of a tenor
Mikeronil Bustria, a religious from the Philippines, with his tenor voice and passion for beautiful singing, he has helped make some special moments in the citadel even more precious.
Valentina, a master’s degree and discoveries in the citadel.
Having arrived in Loppiano in the midst of the pandemic, Valentina Alarcón, defended her thesis on “Education for Dialogue and Culture of Peace” on April 30 this year.
Phra Pittaya: “We can grow and flourish together. Here I experienced it.”
The Thai Buddhist monk arrived in the citadel in March to live with the Catholic religious of various orders present at Claritas.
An International Conference on Love at Sophia
“The Movement of Agape: Key to Socio-Cultural Renewal” is the title of the international conference promoted by Sophia University Institute from June 6 to June 8, 2024.
The International Art Award “Grolla d’Oro” to Ciro
A sculpture by Ciro, entitled ‘The Final Destination’, won the 44th edition of the ‘Grolla D’oro’ competition.
Zamagni and Bishop Manetti: “There is a need for more Catholics in politics.”
Diocesan meeting on April 21st in Loppiano, as a step towards the Social Week of Catholics in Italy (Trieste, July 3-7, 2024) with the theme entitled “At the Heart of Democracy.”
Young people and the choice of a culture of Peace
At 1 May in Loppiano, young people motivated and willing to stop, reflect and spread the culture of Peace.
Sophia: to form women and men capable of bringing peace
On Friday 12 April, the 16th Academic Year of the Sophia University Institute was inaugurated in the Auditorium of Loppiano.