The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
A City as a Family
The story of Elda Pardi who, in the 80’s, collaborated in the birth of the school for families “Loreto” in the citadel of Loppiano.
And one of my boots sank into the mud
Winter of 1964. The experience of a young Frenchman who came to Loppiano in search of truth.
A wonderful smile
Countless facts testify to the special gift that Renata was and continues to be for those who come to know her. Here is a brief episode from her biography “A silence that is life,” by G. Marchesi and A. Zirondoli (Citta’ Nuova Ed.).
Civic engagement in memory of Chiara Lubich
Approaching the fifth anniversary of the death of Chiara, we continue to recall the events related to her relationship with the little town. Our focus today is the ceremony of the conferral of honorary citizenship of Incisa in Val d’Arno.
From Loppiano a “planetary” gratitude to Pope Benedict XVI!
Gratitude from Loppiano to Pope Benedict XVI. Thursday, February 28th, a Holy Mass (at 6:45pm) and Eucharistic adoration vigil prayer (at 8:45pm) will be celebrated at the Maria Theotokos Church.