The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
Friends, the real ones
Francesco D’Agostino, a sound engineer from Calabria, has been working with Gen Rosso for a couple of years. “My life has changed radically. I am a miracle,” he tells us
How good it is to harvest!
The grape harvest began in Loppiano. Contact with nature, gratuitousness, relationships, are the key words of this experience. The following are what the protagonists have to say:
“In Pursuit of the Truth” (In fuga per la verita’)
Talking with Michele Zanzucchi, the author of “In Pursuit of the Truth” (“In fuga per la verità”), the first part of the biography of Pasquale Foresi, co-founder of the Focolare Movement.
A dialogue on the referendum
The Political Movement for Unity proposes a moment of dialogue and deepening on the Constitutional Referendum on Wednesday, September 16, at 8:45 p.m., in the Auditorium. It will be possible to follow the event also via Zoom and Youtube.
#Daretocare or “Dare to take care”
From Saturday, September 5, the second lesson of the #Daretocare campaign, launched by the youth of the Focolare Movement, is online.
Aurelio, the fruit of Loppiano
The reprint of the biography of Aurelio Lagorio, who was one of the pioneer builders of Loppiano, is published by Editrice Città Nuova.
Summer Work camps in Loppiano
For the summer season 2020, the Little City of the Focolare offers young people the opportunity to participate in work camps, in contact with nature.
Two years ago, Pope Francis in Loppiano
Today is the anniversary of the historical visit of Pope Francis in Loppiano, on May 10, 2018 and his memorable speech.
The Feast of the Mary Theotokos Shrine
Wednesday, May 13th, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, the feast of the Shrine of Mary Theotokos will be celebrated. For the occasion, the bishop of the diocese of Fiesole, Bishop Mario Meini, will celebrate Mass behind closed doors; the Mass can be followed by live streaming, beginning at 7:00 P.M.
#InTimeforPeace: the call for a stop to the economic embargo on Syria
For the NGO New Humanity, peacetime is now. Loppiano also joins the call for the immediate lifting of the economic embargo against Syria
United World Week: #InTimeForPeace
This year’s United World Week of the Focolare Youth is online and it is in the name of peace. The two central events will be on Saturday, May 2, and Sunday, May 3.
The vegetable garden of Torrione
Take a group of girls from various parts of the world in quarantine, confined to work from home via “Zoom” and a large green space… What comes out of it? Of course, a vegetable garden!