The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
A new economy: the youth’s proposal
“The economy of Francesco”. Today, with more than a year of travel and group work, it is an active process of change, to give a new soul to the economy.
Like a ball of yarn…
Thursday, October 22, Giovanni Bertagna left us. A citizen of Loppiano, he was a lover of the Economy of Communion.
The New Colors of the World
Città Nuova inaugurates the series “The new colors of the world”: illustrated books for children from 5 to 8 years old, stories to build a better world.
Weaving relationships, living in the city, taking care of the Planet
Loppianolab, in its third and last online appointment in 2020, puts the city at the center of the workshop, a significant reality in Chiara Lubich’s life, thought and work, in the year of the centenary of her birth.
Citizens “going out”
Rosa Bruna and Alessandro Agostini tell us about their commitment as citizens to bring the culture of unity to the political and educational sphere, in which they have been working for years with great passion.
Sophia and the Global Compact on Education
On Thursday, October 15, in the Aula Magna (the main hall) of the Pontifical...
Immaculate’s Journey
It is true, with the pandemic everything is more difficult, even getting to Loppiano to attend one of the formation schools located in the little city. But Immaculate’s journey was a little longer than others…
The “Time of Creation” in Loppiano
On Sunday, October 4, also in Loppiano we celebrated the “Time of Creation”, the Jubilee for the Earth promoted by Pope Francis.
CH Linkup: Stories of People Who Take Care of Others
Two citizens of Loppiano, Alessandra Pasquali of Gen Verde and Michele Sole of Gen Rosso, were the presenters of the “Collegamento CH” on October 3.
Città Nuova changes; change with Città Nuova
A new graphic design and new content to reach a young audience: Città Nuova changes. Let’s discover what’s new with the editor, Aurora Nicosia.
Maestra Filo and the Values of Made in Loppiano
Maestra Filo and the masks of Made in Loppiano: let’s find out the values of this teacher who became an influencer during the lockdown.
Loppianolab and Fraternity
Watch the video of the second Loppianolab 2020 webinar, entitled “The contagion of fraternity”, to discover its protagonists and contents.