
The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.

Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano

Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano

This year, too, the Citadel is offering a programme of spiritual exercises to get to know the spirituality of unity better and experience life.

Hung Lau’s three faces of Mary

Hung Lau’s three faces of Mary

A work by Hung embellishes the Lionello Bonfanti Gallery, now dedicated to Giovanni Bertagna, a Lombard entrepreneur who recently passed away.

Prophets of Unity

Prophets of Unity

“Pope Paul VI, Patriarch Athenagoras, Chiara Lubich. Prophecy of unity among sister churches”

We #daretocare

We #daretocare

Even the citadel of Loppiano dresses up to participate in the United World Week “#daretocare” which opens on May 1.