
The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.

What a great day!

What a great day!

Out door Mass, boxed lunches, games, freedom, joy and an atmosphere of fraternity made the June 20th a day of celebration for the citizens of Loppiano.

Caring for Couples with Paths of Light

Caring for Couples with Paths of Light

Paths of Light returns to Loppiano on August 15 – August 22, 2021, a program that accompanies couples in crisis who want to work on their relationship.

Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano

Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano

This year, too, the Citadel is offering a programme of spiritual exercises to get to know the spirituality of unity better and experience life.

Hung Lau’s three faces of Mary

Hung Lau’s three faces of Mary

A work by Hung embellishes the Lionello Bonfanti Gallery, now dedicated to Giovanni Bertagna, a Lombard entrepreneur who recently passed away.

Prophets of Unity

Prophets of Unity

“Pope Paul VI, Patriarch Athenagoras, Chiara Lubich. Prophecy of unity among sister churches”