The protagonists, the stories, Loppiano is a laboratory of fraternity in action.
What a great day!
Out door Mass, boxed lunches, games, freedom, joy and an atmosphere of fraternity made the June 20th a day of celebration for the citizens of Loppiano.
Gen School, a year together!
The youth of the 2021 Gen School tell us about the experience.
Caring for Couples with Paths of Light
Paths of Light returns to Loppiano on August 15 – August 22, 2021, a program that accompanies couples in crisis who want to work on their relationship.
M asCare: behind the masks, young people who believe in the values of the Project
The MasCare project continues: we tell you about it through the experiences of two young people working for Made in Loppiano
Spiritual Exercises in Loppiano
This year, too, the Citadel is offering a programme of spiritual exercises to get to know the spirituality of unity better and experience life.
Hung Lau’s three faces of Mary
A work by Hung embellishes the Lionello Bonfanti Gallery, now dedicated to Giovanni Bertagna, a Lombard entrepreneur who recently passed away.
The world needs an economy of communion, now more than ever.
On May 29, 2021, the international event “30 Years of the Economy of Communion” will take place online, live from the Loppiano Auditorium.
Prophets of Unity
“Pope Paul VI, Patriarch Athenagoras, Chiara Lubich. Prophecy of unity among sister churches”
Getting to Loppiano by footpath
We inaugurate with this article a series dedicated to nature and the paths that can be traveled around the citadel.
The young people of Loppiano and their ecological proposal
The young people of Loppiano propose small actions to take care of people and the planet.
May 10, 2018 – May 10, 2021
Today marks the third anniversary of Pope Francis’ historic visit to The Citadel.
WANTED: artists between the ages of 18 and 35!
“ARTS, ECONOMY & BEAUTY”: the competition for young artists between the ages of 18 and 35 to redevelop the Lionello Bonfanti Pole Gallery.