Youth Project

For a few days or several months, young people from 18 to 30 years old have the opportunity to live in Loppiano participating in an experience of fraternity and living the Gospel. The programs are custom made and include getting to know and coexist with people from different cultures.

Family Format

This is the new hospitality project aimed at the world of the family, which joins the annual Loreto School. For short and defined periods, it will be possible to stay in the little city with a program tailored to the needs of the families involved. The project is promoted by the New Family Movement .

University Students

Live Loppiano as a university student, choosing one of the study paths proposed by Sophia University Institute: a study community where research, thought and life are shared, not only between students from different backgrounds, but also between students and teachers, and with the staff of the Institute.

Civil Service

Some associations based in the little city of Loppiano periodically offer the opportunity to perform civil service here.

With my company

Some of the premises of Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park can still host companies, small businesses, professionals who want to join the Economy of Communion project.

Temporary Citizen

Would you like to spend a short time in Loppiano to participate in this fraternity workshop? There are many events and proposals on the calendar that you could take advantage of.
Do you want to live in Loppiano for a while?
Let’s find the best experience for you