Seminarians and the Charism of Unity: Two Weeks at “Vinea Mea”
In the second half of July, 13 seminarians had a church-communion experience at “Vinea Mea.”
In the second half of July, 13 seminarians had a church-communion experience at “Vinea Mea.”
He was supposed to stay for one year, then for nine months. But due to Covid, he ended up staying for over four years.
The Thai Buddhist monk arrived in the citadel in March to live with the Catholic religious of various orders present at Claritas.
Diocesan meeting on April 21st in Loppiano, as a step towards the Social Week of Catholics in Italy (Trieste, July 3-7, 2024) with the theme entitled “At the Heart of Democracy.”
Spending Holy Week and Easter in the citadel: proposals and celebrations to experience this special time in Loppiano.
The experience of the 11 groups that meet at the end of every month in Upper Valdarno to share experiences on the Word of Life.