To Marco Bersanelli the Renata Borlone Prize 2023
On Sunday 26 February 2023, a ceremony was held to award the ‘Renata Borlone 2023’ prize to Professor Marco Bersanelli
On Sunday 26 February 2023, a ceremony was held to award the ‘Renata Borlone 2023’ prize to Professor Marco Bersanelli
Rabbi Chemen visiting Loppiano after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Catholics and Jews from Latin America.
“Common ground | Me, you and us” is the title of 1 May 2023 which, by rediscovering the value of caring for oneself, for others, and for our relationship with mother Earth, proposes an idea of well-being that wants to contribute to the adoption of responsible choices and behaviour, for the collective wellbeing.
A study day for the 80th birthday of Prof. Stefano Zamagni, promoted by the School of Civil Economy, based at the Bonfanti Campus.
The ‘Il Poliedro’ school of politics begins. First appointment: Monday 16 January 2023 with Prof. Enrico Giovannini.
On the 56th World Day of Peace, in Loppiano, on the afternoon of 1 January, prayers, invocations and choreographies for a new commitment.