Città Nuova: women and men for a new world
By Aurora Nicosia and Sara Fornaro.
Inquiries, testimonies, reflections on how to build fraternity starting from the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, can be found in the November issue of Città Nuova.
By Aurora Nicosia and Sara Fornaro.
Inquiries, testimonies, reflections on how to build fraternity starting from the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, can be found in the November issue of Città Nuova.
The story of the life of Edson, focolarino who for many years lived in Loppiano, in the port-city of Óbidos, in the Brazilian Amazon.
These days many family groups are working on the olive harvest. We talk about it with Dario Petrucci, of Cooperativa Loppiano Prima.
The great streaming event “The Economy of Francesco” has started. All the information to follow the live broadcast.
“Turn around” is Gen Verde’s new single in favor of a concrete and collective action to protect Creation.
“The economy of Francesco”. Today, with more than a year of travel and group work, it is an active process of change, to give a new soul to the economy.