Prophets of Unity
“Pope Paul VI, Patriarch Athenagoras, Chiara Lubich. Prophecy of unity among sister churches”
“Pope Paul VI, Patriarch Athenagoras, Chiara Lubich. Prophecy of unity among sister churches”
We inaugurate with this article a series dedicated to nature and the paths that can be traveled around the citadel.
The young people of Loppiano propose small actions to take care of people and the planet.
Today marks the third anniversary of Pope Francis’ historic visit to The Citadel.
“ARTS, ECONOMY & BEAUTY”: the competition for young artists between the ages of 18 and 35 to redevelop the Lionello Bonfanti Pole Gallery.
At the “Primo Maggio” in Loppiano, Joseph Konah Koroma, from Sierra Leone, told his story.