Padre Milton in Loppiano, an “all inclusive” adventure
He was supposed to stay for one year, then for nine months. But due to Covid, he ended up staying for over four years.
He was supposed to stay for one year, then for nine months. But due to Covid, he ended up staying for over four years.
From Hegel to Sophia, to the Loreto School, to the citadel.
Mikeronil Bustria, a religious from the Philippines, with his tenor voice and passion for beautiful singing, he has helped make some special moments in the citadel even more precious.
Having arrived in Loppiano in the midst of the pandemic, Valentina Alarcón, defended her thesis on “Education for Dialogue and Culture of Peace” on April 30 this year.
The Thai Buddhist monk arrived in the citadel in March to live with the Catholic religious of various orders present at Claritas.
On Saturday, March 9, in Loppiano, the Centro Sportivo Italiano Toscana is organizing a special day for the presentation of EduCARE Sport, the project inspired by the teachings of Don Milani and funded by the Tuscany Region.