Pit Stop: a stop to restart with momentum
They call it a Pit Stop, from Formula One jargon. And, in fact, it is a stop, to rediscover one’s vocation.
They call it a Pit Stop, from Formula One jargon. And, in fact, it is a stop, to rediscover one’s vocation.
On December 7, 1943, Chiara Lubich consecrated herself to God, a private gesture to which many stories are linked, like those of Colomba and Pierre.
Clarissa’s journey from Honduras to Loppiano, with a landing that took almost three and a half years.
The development project of the Loppiano Prima Cooperative that focuses on quality, new products, increased promotion and fundraising.
A proposal for formation offered by the Sophia University Institute begins November 28th. Two courses: Culture of Unity and Dialogical Leadership. They are open to all and can be followed from home.
President Margaret Karram and Co-President Jesús Moran in Loppiano from October 28th to November 2nd.