The vegetable garden of Torrione
Take a group of girls from various parts of the world in quarantine, confined to work from home via “Zoom” and a large green space… What comes out of it? Of course, a vegetable garden!
Take a group of girls from various parts of the world in quarantine, confined to work from home via “Zoom” and a large green space… What comes out of it? Of course, a vegetable garden!
News from “Made in Loppiano”, the marketplace that collects products made in the town.
Between February and March, the long tour of Gen Verde will touch various Spanish cities. Here is the first news after their stop in Andalusia.
On March 2, their new single on the most used digital stores (Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, etc.) will be released and on March 16 their new website will be online.
We remember the 30th anniversary of the Servant of God Renata Borlone with one of her writings. She had been co-responsible of Loppiano for thirty-seven years.