CROSSING THE BRIDGE … all info and the Program

23 Apr 2013 | Life

In latest developments, there will be the first “Expo” of actions of fraternity of “Youth for a United World” present in many cities in Italy and live links with young people in Jerusalem (Israel), Mumbai (India) and Budapest (Hungary). Around 3,000 young people are expected to attend.

Aurora Bottacci and Luca Filisetti, on behalf of the organizing committee, explain the meaning of the event: “The message we want to give is simple and challenging at the same time: to accomplish great signs of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness that involve groups, peoples and nations, we must start from ourselves, and build a bridge towards those around us, then the circle widens. It is not impossible to make it happen – it is enough just to get started.

This year, the event on 1st May concludes a year of special commitment for the young people of the Focolare Movement, which began in August 2012 with the Genfest in Budapest, an international event attended by more than 12,000 young people from five continents. An event that threw down the challenge to everyone to build bridges of peace, solidarity, practical help and a worldwide project, the “United World Project”, which takes initiatives of fraternity on a small and large scale: from a personal commitment in one’s own neighborhood to practical help for those affected by a natural disaster, from social initiatives to small actions which everyone can carry out in their own area.

The latest news on Crossin’ the Bridge, can be found on this link: –

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