In viaggio verso il 1° maggio, conosciamo lo UNITED WORLD PROJECT, un progetto mondiale che i Giovani per un mondo unito hanno lanciato al Genfest 2012.
The petition for the United World Project (UWP) continues to grow, and the event of 1st May is a great opportunity to experience the joy of being able to commit oneself to do something big. People are not asked to make donations via SMS, or to click on a generic “I like” comment, but a personal commitment is required to live for fraternity among all people, beginning with those around us and arriving at the point of national and international institutions. You can think up, realise, move everything possible to escape from the individualism that haunts us and discover each other as brothers and sisters, up to the point, as hoped for by Chiara Lubich, “the united world is on everyone’s lips”.
Specifically, the project aims to create a ”permanent and international observatory’’ on universal brotherhood – United World Watch – that “registers” and promotes all these initiatives of fraternity that regard everyday life or major events: from the commitment in our neighborhood to that for people who have been struck by a natural disaster, from social work, to small actions that everyone can put into practice in one’s own environment. From this way of life, so enlightened, it would be possible to carry out studies, research, insights on how to create and support fraternity in every possible circumstance.
United World Workshop – realizing those “best practices” advocated by UNESCO and proposing to the United Nations, through the NGO New Humanity, international recognition of the “United World Week“, an annual event that on many occasions has been launched in Loppiano at the event of 1st May.
All this will be continually amplified, thanks to the commitment in the world of communication – UNITED WORLD NETWORK – giving the opportunity to anyone who wants to commit himself to put fraternity at the center of his own life, to sign the petition at: