XXXI Day of Dialogue between Catholics and Jews

31 Jan 2020 | Life

dialogue between Catholics and Jews, an evening dedicated to the reading taken from the book of the “Song of Songs” will take place in Loppiano on February 6. The reading deals with God’s love for his people.

The website of the National Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the CEI states: “May the Day […] contribute to a deeper knowledge and even more concrete collaboration between the Jewish communities and the Catholic communities in our country”.

This year, during the XXXI day of the deepening and development of dialogue between Catholics and Jews, which will take place in Loppiano on February 6, 2020, we will focus on the book of the “Song of Songs“, dedicated to God’s love for his people.

The Sussidio of the Day, available on the website of the National Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the CEI says – “This reading helps us to know the different Jewish and Christian interpretations of the Bible, the great book where we learn the alphabet of God, so that it may reach our hearts, like that of the beloved to the beloved. In the disorientation and fears of globalization, in the dominant language of the web, which at times seems to paradoxically eliminate or make more difficult the human relationship in life, the Lord speaks to us to establish a relationship of love and where he listens to us while we also listen to him”.

It is the relationship with God that can become “harmony in diversity” among men, united by that “universal human brotherhood” so much emphasized by Pope Francis.

The event on February 6 will start at 9:00 p.m. in Room C of the Auditorium. Speakers will be the Chief Rabbi Emeritus of the Jewish Community of Florence, Rav Joseph Levi and Professor Giovanna Porrino (Sophia University Institute).

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