Saulo and the Magic of the Youth Project

25 Feb 2022 | Life, Youth, Youth in evidence

Saulo arrived in Loppiano in June 2021 to experience the Youth Project and, at the same time, work with Gen Rosso. Living in the citadel he found something he wasn’t looking for.


He is 27 years old and has bright and welcoming eyes. His name is Saulo – « I haven’t become Paolo yet! », he jokes commenting on his name – he comes from Huila, a region in southern Colombia. He arrived in Loppiano in June 2021, after a long wait, to participate in the Youth Project and work with Gen Rosso .

“But this is not my first time in the citadel. I had already arrived in December 2019, to participate in the Village , an experience of artistic study and sharing of values, in the light of the charism of unity, promoted by Gen Rosso”. The invitation had come through his uncle, a Focolare priest who had involved him in similar experiences on other occasions, generally positive, in which he had participated but “without thinking about what I was doing…”, he explains.

But this time it’s different: «I’m a sound engineer and I participated as a member of the technical team. I was here for 15 days, for work experience, but the way they worked wasn’t what I was used to… I immediately felt at home, as if I had belonged to this place all my life. There was something in the air, like magic. I don’t know how else to define it». Saulo plays along and lets himself be prompted by questions without putting up his defenses. Thus, he better defines that “different” way of working.«I fell in love with doing things with love, without thinking about money or one’s own gain as professionals, putting others before oneself: the singers, the musicians who depend on us in the technical team. Giving everything to do everything as best as possible, to bring people their message of brotherhood. And – he concludes – I said to myself: “This is what I want to do in life, this is how I always want to work!”».

Gen Rosso


On the third day of Village, Saulo’s wish begins to materialize: he is called by the manager of Gen Rosso who asks him if he wants to be part of the technical team of the tour that would start soon. “I said ‘yes’. I returned to Colombia, with the idea of leaving immediately, but then the pandemic broke out…”

A year and a half goes by. Finally, last June he returns, also joining the Youth Project, the experience of brotherhood open to young people from all over the world, belonging to different cultures, believers or non-believers. « I came with the idea of having a work experience but it sort of faded into the background. What I do here is for me. We are 25 young people now, we are all different and, in the relationship between us, we put ourselves in front of a mirror every day, you find yourself face to face with your mistakes and everything you thought was good about you. You try to grow, improve, solve the things that aren’t right. And that’s how I slowly discover a better version of myself ».

There remains only one more question to satisfy the writer’s desire for understanding… A little while ago, Saul had spoken of “ magic “. What did he mean?

“I don’t know how else to define it. Often, when a new person arrives at the Youth Project, the first thing they say is that they will only stay for a week or two. We smile and say, “Don’t worry, it’s no problem!”. In any case, everyone ends up staying longer! It’s this “something” that makes you fall in love, that makes you want to stay in Loppiano. That changes your perspective and makes you want to do more for others, to work with love. In comparison with others, it strengthens your faith, if you have it, and makes you understand more about who you are.”

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