Città Nuova changes its appearance… and not only that!

8 Feb 2024 | Editoria, Life, News

Let’s resume Giulio Meazzini’s article, director of the magazine “Citta Nova,” where he tells us about the news awaiting readers in this 2024: a renewed graphics design; a reorganization of the magazine’s sections; an enrichment of content with contributors who join (or rejoin) the Città Nuova team; an APP to browse and listen to the magazine on mobile devices (and on the website). And much more!

Let’s say that the shirt was getting a bit tight. For Città Nuova, the monthly opinion of the Focolare Movement, there was a need for new visibility, readability, and completeness of proposal.
The younger audience demanded a more modern way of accessing content, the older ones clearer fonts (with or without glasses) and a more sober graphics design, while the most discerning palates awaited a more comprehensive editorial proposal capable of reflecting the variety of sensitivities existing in today’s society, without losing the cohesive thread of a precise worldview.
So, the process of adapting the magazine to the tumultuous changes in society, driven by the two previous directors, Michele Zanzucchi and Aurora Nicosia, takes another step forward in a continuously changing context.
It does so in various directions: a brand new graphics design, a reorganization of the magazine’s section layout, an enrichment of the content offered to readers with additional contributors joining (or rejoining) the Città Nuova team, an APP to browse and listen to the magazine on mobile devices (and on the website).

Graphics and Magazine Layout
Starting from the February 2024 issue, we have reorganized the sections to make the contents clearer and more recognizable: Italy, World, Person, and so on. In particular, we have emphasized stories, as well as environmental issues, highlighting the networks and projects that are helping our communities grow in various territories.
The new graphics, sober and elegant, have contributed to improving readability while simultaneously strengthening the magazine’s identity with the cover, images, and illustrations, also providing more space for content.

Regarding the authors, in recent months, they have enriched the magazine. Just to mention a few names, Luigino Bruni, Tommaso Bertolaso, Fernando Muraca, Patrizia Bertoncello, Leonardo Becchetti, Antonio Maria Baggio, Ana Cristina Montoya have contributed. Investigations on hot topics have typically involved multiple sections of the magazine, completing reflections on the subject matter with related experiences and interviews.
Another aspect to emphasize is the strong attention given to what communities (of the Movement and beyond) experience in their territories. This is an aspect to further develop with the aim of enhancing, encouraging, networking, and spreading widely what they do. Because Città Nuovà wants to be their voice.

Città Nuova Magazine App
One of the challenges in spreading the magazine has always been the need to talk about it, while having only a physical copy to offer. Those interested had to “trust” and subscribe almost blindly.
Another aspect to consider is that young people are now accustomed to accessing editorial content through their mobile phones and podcasts.
Since February 2024, the possibility of browsing, reading, and listening to the magazine using an easily downloadable app, available on both Apple and Android platforms, is a true breakthrough in our communication approach. Moreover, many articles are read by the authors themselves, which is a whole different way of listening!
In this way, Città Nuova is always with us, at home and on the go. Everywhere and always.

We have tried to keep the magazine up to date with the times and the tastes of our readers, in a continuous process of renewal made possible by the attention and affection with which many follow us. Because, in the end, in the editorial office, we can come up with all the possible ideas, but what matters is whether the magazine is liked and its content satisfies the readers.
When I think of Città Nuova, I wonder: will the readers who read the magazine today be happier and more encouraged or sadder than when they started reading it? Centuries pass, tastes change, we move from tablets to papyrus to printing to tablets again, but what matters is always the pleasure of reading and listening. Città Nuova wants to accompany its readers.

And now?
It doesn’t end here. We have set ourselves other goals for the coming months, but we will only talk about them when we have something concrete to show you. Stay tuned…


Source: Città Nuova

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