“Common ground | Me, you and us,” Loppiano’s May 1st

31 Mar 2023 | In evidence, News, Primo maggio

All the information you need to Attend!

The 2023 May 1 st event in Loppiano will be titled “Common Ground | Me, You and Us”. Here are some proposals: To rediscover the value of care, in the sense of caring, taking an interest, taking care: of oneself, of others and, together, of our Planet. Pope Francis would say, “To eradicate the culture of indifference, discard and confrontation, which is often prevalent today,” to rediscover the richness that everyone has for who they simply are. Learn to share our talents and gifts. Rediscovering our common belonging to something greater, of which we are a part and which transcends us. An invitation to get up, get out and set out. To act together and bring light into the world.

The upcoming May 1 st in Loppiano will also be an opportunity to celebrate 50 years of this event which was first launched in 1973.


The program

“Common Ground” will take advantage of the long weekend to welcome young people to the citadel as early as April 29. In short, this year May 1st will last three days! A great opportunity for all young people!

So for them there will be music, dance, dialogue with experts, workshops, experiences. Then, on May 1, Loppiano will turn into a large distributed festival where they can have different experiences to delve deep into the themes of the 2023 edition. The activities that will be held in various locations are: music, workshops, dance, dialogue with experts, games, testimonies. Through their songs, the international band Gen Rosso will also accompany participants along the way.

The program will conclude with the construction, done all together, of a large work of art, an expression of the commitment made to act, to dare to care.


The logo

Míriam Bofill Amorós, the young Catalan graphic designer who gathered the ideas of the promoters of “Common Ground” to create its logo says, “It represents the union of two differently colored faces looking at each other. Two people who, despite their respective differences, when they come into contact do not clash, nor do they win over the other, but manage to create that emptiness in them that makes them able to welcome each other, thus finding a common ground.”

Even the typeface used,” Míriam explains, “is meant to remind us of this physical “ground” that can be found in common. The two words, “common” and “ground,” are joined in some of their letters to represent the unity that can be found in the encounter between the two of them.

“Common Ground” and United World Week 2023

This year, with a show streamed live, May 1st in Loppiano will officially open United World Week 2023 (www.unitedworldproject.org/daretocare/). Launched in May 1995 by the Focolare Youth for a United World, it involves children, youth, adults, entire communities, highlighting what is being done in the world to bring fraternity, unity and peace among persons and peoples. It takes place internationally from May 1-7 each year. United World Week 2023 comes at the end of a two-year commitment to integral ecology, for people and the Planet, starting with a personal ecological conversion. The slogan: Dare to Care.

"Common Ground" and World Youth Day


The "Common Ground | Me, You and Us" event also fits ideally into the journey toward WYD in Lisbon. Like Mary of Nazareth, the May 1st youth of Loppiano want to invite their peers to "get up quickly" and go out into the world, being courageous witnesses of God's Love, "bearers of his compassionate love, of his generous service to suffering humanity."



Online reservations are now open to attend "Common Ground" on May 1 st 2023 in Loppiano. Lots of super offers!


Will you help us spread the word?

Download the 3-day flyer.
Download the May1 flyer.

Download the in-depth brochure.

All updates at: www.primomaggioloppiano.it/

See you at Common Ground!

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