Enrico Giovannini opens “The Polyhedron” School of Politics

13 Jan 2023 | Education, Life, News


The start of the political training school "The Polyhedron". First appointment: Monday, January 16, 2023 with Professor Enrico Giovannini, who will speak on the topic of "Democracy and the Future."

“The Polyhedron” (Il Poliedro,) a political formation school, begins its journey.

The first module, open to all, will be held at the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park, headquarters of the school, in Loc. Burchio, next January 16, at 6 p.m. Opening the talks will be Professor Enrico Giovannini, who will address the theme on “Democracy and the Future,” delving into topical issues: the ecological transition, the demand for technological and social innovation, political choices and sustainable lifestyles for greater social equity. “We can talk about a sustainable utopia,” Giovannini explains. “I often repeat that all countries must feel that they are ‘in the process of sustainable development’ and that the different areas connected in an inseparable way, must be rethought as a whole so that the system does not collapse.”

Daniela Ropelato, professor of Political Science at Sophia University Institute and one of the promoters of the Polyheron School adds, “The choice of sustainable development requires us to act together and to take co-responsibility. It is not possible to remain bound to the same paradigm of thought that has led us so far.”

Acting as spokespersons for the questions and urgencies of the communities in the area will be a group of young people who will lead the dialogue with Professor Giovannini.

Enrico Giovannini is full professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” He was Chief Statistician of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)from 2001 to 2009; and from 2009 to 2014, president of ISTAT; Minister of Labor and Social Policies during the Letta government; and Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility during the Draghi government. He is the promoter and scientific director of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), which brings together more than 300 civil society organizations committed to this issue. During his time as president of ISTAT, Giovannini introduced the new indicator of Fair and Sustainable Well-Being/BES, at the center of the debate that aims to go “beyond GDP,” a measure that the Municipality of Figline and Incisa Valdarno itself has already experimented with.

The political formation school “The Polyhedron” aims to be a permanent place of study and dialogue, planning and experimentation. It is aimed primarily at young changemakers in civil and political society, students or already in the world of work, young administrators or those engaged in civil society. They will be protagonists of the training modules during the planning sessions.

The strength of the school is the establishment of a learning community capable of integrating, according to the standards of university education, meetings with qualified experts and activities in the field (workshops on economic democracy and active citizenship, social communication, participatory and deliberative methodologies).

“The Polyhedron,” Mayor Giulia Mugnai said on Dec. 12, “is an opportunity to face the future with education and awareness, which are the basis for political participation capable of understanding and affecting the world around us. This project is an extraordinary opportunity for our territory, a real school designed primarily for the younger generations who are facing certain issues for the first time: a way to provide them with a toolbox with which they can learn to interpret the contemporary world.”

Appointments are from January to June (5 hours a month for 6 months).

Promoting Team:

Rebeca Gomez Tafalla,lawyer, managing director of Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park

Daniela Ropelato, professor of Political Science and Public Policy Analysis, Sophia University Institute

Andrea Cardinali, instructor, City Councilor in Figline Incisa V.no

Alessandro Agostini, entrepreneur, Skema

Lucia Fronza Crepaz, instructor and SPS/School of Social Preparation coordinator, Trent, Italy

Formation institutions involved:

The talk “Democracy and the Future” by Professor Enrico Giovannini will also be streamed:



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