A development project for the Loppiano Prima Cooperative, with the renewal and diversification of vines, increased quality of classic wines, greater promotion of products and the novelty of a sparkling rosé. On this basis, a fundraiser was born to finance the future.
It evidently has been formed now, given the feverish activity of the new leaders. And what determination there is in having designed the future of the Loppiano Prima Cooperative for the 24 hectares of vineyards. The goals are many: a new line of wines, superior quality of the classic wines of the house, greater promotion of products, renewal and diversification of the vineyards, reorganization of the wine-cellar and fidelity to a specific mode of organic cultivation.
The innovation also concerns the method of financing: at the moment, no mortgages with banks, nor loans from members or others, but donations through a fundraiser. Such a decision is bold, all the more so in these times, also given the amount projected (100 thousand euros); nevertheless, it reveals the conviction of the Cooperative concerning the validity of the development project and the generous response of those who know Loppiano and this activity.
The new board of directors took office in July, with the mandate of the shareholders’ meeting to relaunch the wine sector. Of course, there are problems (and not insignificant) related to economic, organizational and structural aspects. However, the management, strengthened by the (also troubled) history of Loppiano Prima, founded in 1973, and supported by 3,658 members (partly to be revitalized), knows that it has a farm with undoubted potential and animated by deep values.
The story goes that the countryside of Loppiano, abandoned with the exodus of farmers, was purchased by Volunteers of the Focolare; the formula of the cooperative was then adopted, with the addition of the model of widespread shareholding. “This experience, which was a forerunner of ecological agriculture, was born,” explains Beatrice Vecchione, president of the Loppiano Prima Cooperative, “with the human person and the evangelical custody of nature at its center. So much so that production was set, 50 years ago, on biological criteria (not yet talked about), distinguishing itself from other cooperatives of the time.» It is a patrimony that has a prophetic aspect and is of great relevance, also in light of the custody of creation proposed by Pope Francis. In this horizon of commitment, new vitality has come from the establishment, in July 2020, of the Cooperativa Fattoria Loppiano 4.0, which manages both land and buildings.

“The quality of the 2021 wine is very good”, reports Luigi Castiglioni, agronomist and member of the board of directors of Fattoria Loppiano 4.0, reporting the judgment of the enologist. To diversify the production, there is the sparkling rosé, “a young wine, of fresh consumption, suitable for aperitifs, now very popular.” Further commitment for the next five years is to renew the older vineyards and insert new white vines (Chardonnay and Trebbiano), while not varying the classic production of Chianti with a controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (docg).
The organic tradition in Loppiano has unique connotations: low dosage of copper and sulfur and fertilization with organic products in full compliance with European regulations. But we have a further specificity, because our crops are surrounded only by woods and an intact landscape. The recent, careful review of the inspectors has found once again that companies that fertilize and care for the vines according to other criteria do not border us, the effects of which could contaminate our production.
For those who would wish to support this project with a donation, more details can be found HERE.