The world needs an economy of communion, now more than ever.

27 May 2021 | Life

IThe live online broadcast of Thirty Years of the Economy of Communion will take place in the Loppiano Auditorium on May 29, 2021 (1 p.m. – 5 p.m.). The program will be translated into Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Korean.


“Let’s not forget the poor” (Chiara Lubich). In a time that is anxiously looking for a way to combine the economy with social justice and sustainability, the Economy of Communion has been announcing and practicing a new economy for thirty years.

As her plane was landing in San Paolo, Brazil, in May 1991, Focolare foundress Chiara Lubich was struck by the sharp contrast between the skyscrapers of the big cities and the myriad of favelas, shanty towns that surrounded them. She wanted to do something right away and, on May 29, 1991 she launched the Economy of Communion. Looking at today’s world, the contrasts are even more striking and compounded by the pandemic. Now, more than ever, there is a need for an Economy of Communion.

On May 29, 2021, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. the international event 30 Years of the Economy of Communion will take place online, live from the Auditorium of the Focolare’s citadel of Loppiano, Florence, Italy. The program will be in Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Korean.

Speakers will include: Italian economist Stefano Zamagni, long-time promoter of the Economy of Communion; Brazilian sociologist Vera Araujo; ATD Fourth World’s Jean Tonglet;  SUPSI University’s Luca Crivelli; president of the International Association for an Economy of Communion (AIEC), Isaias Hernando; Alberto Ferrucci, entrepreneur and pioneer of the Economy of Communion; Geneviéve Sanze, General Council of the Focolare Movement; Benedetto Gui, Sophia University Institute; Margaret Karram, and Jesús Morán, President and Co-President of the Focolare Movement; Luigino Bruni, economist, Coordinator of the Economy of Communion project.

The Economy of Communion is over 1000 companies that adhere to the project or are inspired by it, 15 EoC-IIN business incubators for the development of new companies in many countries, 6 integral development projects and over 400 graduate theses.

The program will open with the story of the historical and spiritual origins of the Economy of Communion, followed by several artistic presentations, live testimonies about the life of the Economy of Communion from Brazil, Argentina, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Portugal, USA, Belgium, and video messages from countries around the world: from New Zealand to Benin to Mexico. The event  will also include artistic offerings from the international Gen Verde Music Group and will be organized by the director Maria Amata Calò. Local listening HUBs will be provided in accordance with anti-Covid norms.

Luigino Bruni, Economy of Communion Coordinator: “We are waiting for many of you to join us in celebrating thirty years of communion, of sharing with the poor, of an economy of the few loaves and fishes that become a thousand and feed a crowd. A celebration of gratitude, of youth and the future. Because the Economy of Communion is good for the world and a gift for all.”

How to participate:

The event is open to all and requires no registration.

YouTube playlist with the collection of all available languages:

International channel:

Portuguese: English: Spanish: Italian: French:

More information

All information and materials are available here: pubblicazioni/archivio-documenti/events-international/eventi-2021/30-anni-di-edc.html

Programma 30 anni EdC

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