Chiara Lubich, in a telephone link-up on March 8, 1990, with members of the Focolare worldwide, tells something about Renata’s life.
“Life (with a capital “l”) in Renata, was evident. It could be seen up to the very last instant, and what a life it was!
Having accepted with all her heart the new Will of God, she had the grace to experience (this is what she said) that death is life, that death is resurrection, and she proposed, with the help of God, to show this to the very end. And she succeeded, thereby transforming the event of death into the event of Easter – something wonderful, splendid, inexpressible! Always “up”, always in the supernatural, always in God, she had a foretaste – it would seem – of heaven, even before dying, even before leaving us.
She served the Movement for 40 years, during which she developed and matured all the virtues, all of them.”
Chiara Lubich