In conjunction with “The Economy of Francesco”, the long-awaited meeting of young economists and entrepreneurs strongly desired by Pope Francis, an event will take place in Perugia from March 27 to 29, 2020 for those who cannot be present in Assisi due to age or logistical limitations. The title of the event is “Parole di ascolto” (Words of listening) It is, an event promoted by the International Economy of Communion.
This is why the parallel meeting “Parole di ascolto” (Words of listening), which will take place in Perugia from March 27 to 29, 2020, was born. It offers the opportunity to all those who, due to age limits or logistical reasons were not included in the list of participants at The Economy of Francesco event to be part of this process, closely following and supporting the work of the under-35s gathered in Assisi.
Promoted by the International Economy of Communion, this collateral event is a space open to anyone who believes in the need for a different, more just, fraternal, sustainable economy with new protagonists who are excluded today. In the awareness that today’s economy often fails, because it may work well for some, but it does not work at all for (many) others, threatening the social and environmental ecosystem, there will be a dialogue between young and old, between different cultures and spheres, living three generative dimensions: feel-plan-act.
By alternating plenary sessions with parallel group sessions, one will discover how important it is to let networks flourish, learn from failures, convert ideas into action. Under the guidance of facilitators and with the contribution of some important speakers, the 12 macro-themes touched on in Assisi will be addressed: finance and humanity, agriculture and justice, energy and poverty, profit and vocation, companies in transition, management and gift, work and care, politics and happiness, CO2 of inequalities, life and lifestyles, business and peace, the economy is woman.
On Saturday, March 28th, after a morning of sharing, all the participants of “Words of listening” will move to Assisi to live some moments in synergy with the young people of The economy and the Holy Father.
A community capable of generating impact, initiating a necessary process: this is what The Economy of Francesco in Assisi is aiming for and this is the same cause supported by the event in Perugia. And to achieve this goal, it is not enough to make words like “ethics” and “sustainability” become fashionable, but it is necessary to take a step of discontinuity with the dominant thinking.
The Economy of Francesco will leave its mark because of its youthful nature, but around it there will be a heterogeneous echo that reinforces the opening of the gap, nourishing, all together, the terrain of change.
by Francesca Giglio
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